Photography Tips

Setting Up Your Home Studio – Photography 101

It’s everyone’s dream to be able to work at the comfort of their own home. For photographers, owning and setting up your home studio is a dream come true. It allows them to hone their craft anytime they wish to. […]

Photography Tips

Ace that Photography Assistant Job

So, you want to be a full-time photographer? We have listed some tips on how to ace that photography assistant job. Sure, that is a fun, fulfilling venture to take on, and you’ll get to reap all the benefits that […]

Photography Tips

Shoot Like a Pro With These Simple Concepts

As a beginner photographer, you are bound to encounter a lot of challenges through your learning process. Not all of your shots will look good. In fact, a lot of them will look subpar. But in this article, we try […]


A Guide to Candid Photography – Photography 101

Candid photography is all about honesty. It’s a favorite genre of many photographers because it captures the subjects in their rawest moments, making them appear more natural and uninhibited. Here is a guide to Candid Photography. Yes, candid photography is […]

Photography Tips

Tips on Taking Noteworthy Portraits

It can be quite a stressful and daunting experience to pose for a portrait. Those who aren’t used to being in front of the camera may be overly-conscious about it, making them look stiff and uncomfortable. But by following a […]

Photography Tips

Take self portraits the right way to Become a Better

The concept of taking a “selfie” is commonly associated with vanity and too much self-love. And because it is shrouded with such negativity, it is usually avoided by those aspiring to get better at photography. In this article, we debunk […]

Photography Tips

Shooting Better Pet Portraits – Photography 101

I’d consider taking pet portraits akin to baby photos. If you do it right, your subjects will look as cute as a button, which will automatically attract the eyeballs of those who love all things adorable. In this article, we […]