Setting Up Your Home Studio – Photography 101

Nikon Camera

It’s everyone’s dream to be able to work at the comfort of their own home. For photographers, owning and setting up your home studio is a dream come true. It allows them to hone their craft anytime they wish to.

However, setting up a home studio isn’t as easy as it may seem. There are a lot of moving parts involved and several things to consider for things to work seamlessly. The biggest challenge here is not knowing where step one begins.

To make things easier for you, we’ve come up with a short checklist of things before you dive into this venture. So read on through this edition of Photography Hacks 101 and hopefully, you can pick up a few helpful tidbits.

Know your desired studio size


Unless you want a full-time studio running from your home, you don’t need a large space. A small spare room with enough natural light is enough to take noteworthy photos in.

Whether you have the budget for it or not, there’s nothing wrong with having a modest-sized studio. It’s the coziness that will make it more attractive and appealing to work in.

If anything, a smaller studio will help you make the most out of the space that you have. It should bring out more of your creative side and see things from unique perspectives.

Determine the lighting you want to use


While some may prefer to use natural lighting, others opt to go with using their own light setup. Whatever option you may choose, this is part of the first set of decisions you have to make.

If you wish to go with natural lighting, situate your studio in the part of your home where daytime brightness is at its peak. Ideally, your subject or model should be located next to a big window.

But if you want to go with your own light setup, build a basement studio. This space will be perfect if you intend your photos to invoke a dark and gloomy emotion.

Talking more about the topic, we’ve also shared an article entitled, “Photography Lighting for Beginners: 3 Lighting Essentials For Creating Incredible Images” an article from This article talks about the lighting set up and also talks about all sorts of photography stuff which are very helpful!

Identify the Equipment You’ll Use

Photoshoot Setup With Lights And Subject

You can’t have a home photography studio without the necessary equipment. For this particular arrangement, the basics will suffice.

The first thing you’ll need is a camera stand. You can’t always rely on both of your hands, and a stable tripod should come in handy. The next thing would be the lighting gear, which includes the lights itself, modifiers like an umbrella and reflector, as well as a couple of light stands.

Finally, you’ll need a foldaway backdrop. In most cases, a large roll of white paper is enough to create a generic background. But do feel free to change up the colors, depending on your theme or preference.

Final Words

Yes, some challenges come with setting up your own photography studio. There are hurdles you’ll need to get through, but that actually is the fun part of the entire process.

Just remember that you don’t need an elaborate setup to create a functioning home studio. All you’ll need is the right equipment, a decent amount of space and a lot of creativity.

Be sure to read up on other articles found in our blogsite! We’ve highlighted one of our articles titled “Shoot Like a Pro With These Simple Concepts“. Be sure to check it out!

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