Ace that Photography Assistant Job


So, you want to be a full-time photographer? We have listed some tips on how to ace that photography assistant job.

Sure, that is a fun, fulfilling venture to take on, and you’ll get to reap all the benefits that come with it once you get to the top. But like every veteran photographer, you have to start somewhere. In this case, as a photography assistant, an apprentice to some of the biggest names in the game.

Being a photography assistant is an excellent place to start in terms of gaining the valuable experience needed to succeed in this profession. So if you plan to go down this path en route to success in photography, here are a few tips that will help you ace that assistant Job

Do networking the old school way


Job applications these days revolve around sending out emails, many of which can be easily overlooked under a pile of spam mail. Other times, the person you sent it to isn’t as tech-savvy, and he or she may end up ignoring it altogether.

The best solution? Go the old school way and meet with photographers face-to-face. Attend industry events and get to know these veteran shutterbugs by making conversation with them.

Nothing beats real-life dialogues over virtual interactions. Messages are delivered straight, with minimal chances of them getting lost in translation.

Make a strong impression

A Guy Holding A Camera With A Stabilizer

Just like any other assistant job, being a photographer’s apprentice is all about initiative, more than anything else. Being attentive to the photographer’s needs is what matters than just following orders blindly.

Instead of just helping to set-up lights or camera lenses, go the extra mile and learn how things work around the studio. It should help you handle situations better for the next shooting day.

As a photographer’s assistant, you’re given a chance to learn things first-hand. Take advantage of this opportunity and absorb as much as you can.

Since we are talking about making a strong impression, we shared a topic entitled “6 Tips To Help You Become an Excellent Photography Assistant” by Michael Gabriel. This talks about tips and tricks that provide you more insights on how to be an excellent apprentice which would be very helpful!

Keep the studio orderly at all times

Complete Camera Equipment

Many things are going on in a photography studio. Think of it like a busy restaurant kitchen that’s always on the move. All of the needed devices are likely strewn around the work area.

This is where your job as an assistant comes into play. One of your major roles is to restore order in the studio and make things easier for the photographer to do his or her job. That includes tidying up equipment that’s not in use.

This practice of keeping things organized at all times will pay dividends once you start running a studio of your own. Not only does it maintain order, but it also helps you get the job done a lot more efficiently.

Be professional

A Guy with A Camera

This tip varies from one profession to another. In the photography industry, one main rule to follow is to put the needs of the photographer, client, and model over your own. This applies especially during work hours.

As noted by long-time professionals in the business, being on the go at all times is imperative. And if they aren’t lounging around, relaxing, the assistant shouldn’t do so, as well.

Whatever industry it may be, incompetence is the worst sin one can commit, especially during their early years in the business. A fun yet grueling career like photography requires the highest levels of professionalism.

Be sure to read up on other articles found in our blogsite! We’ve highlighted one of our articles titled “3 Expert Photography Tips for Beginners“. Be sure to check it out!

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