A Guide to Candid Photography – Photography 101


Candid photography is all about honesty. It’s a favorite genre of many photographers because it captures the subjects in their rawest moments, making them appear more natural and uninhibited. Here is a guide to Candid Photography.

Yes, candid photography is relatively easy, but finding the story behind each photograph can be a bit tricky. You’ll have to be invested at the moment to be able to express emotion through pictures.

So in this edition of Photography Hacks 101, we’ll be giving you a few tips on how to shoot better candid photographs. We try to gather all our wits in creating this guide to candid photography.

Pro-Tip #1: Maximize all angles

Marvelous Museum Entrance

There’s a reason why flay-lay photos are such a hit nowadays. This particular style is quite unconventional, as it gives a fresh new look in terms of the use of perspectives.

But it doesn’t necessarily have to end there. When you go out there and take some snaps of your own, play around with other different angles.

Veteran photographers advise visiting any crowded area, whether that’s a busy street, a subway station, even a park. You’ll get to find a whole lot of new angles in those kinds of places, which will allow you to tell different stories.

Since we are already talking about angles, I tagged an article that can help you out on discovering the difference between each angles that can make a difference in your work. The title is “Camera Basics #14 Position and Angle” by Tomoko Suzuki. This article discusses the positioning of your camera and the different angles that you can try. Also, provides actual example photos for the angles. 

Pro-Tip #2: Take a snap of someone in deep thought


One of the best moments to take a candid photo of someone is when they are in deep thought. Perhaps this person is staring at a scenic view or looking far out on the horizon, go ahead and shoot away.

Their focus will be elsewhere outside of that moment you’re both in, that he or she probably won’t notice the camera. This would be the best time to capture some of their facial expressions, which will come out naturally.

As a bonus, you’ll also get to take a photo of the stunning view they’re gazing at during that moment.

Pro-Tip #3: Attend a festive event


Whether that’s a rock concert, a college basketball game, or a night market at your local park, such events are a breeding ground for remarkable candid photos. You’ll get to a variety of expressions and moments where people have their guards down.

If you’re at a sporting event, try to look around and see what’s happening outside the playing field. If you’re in a live music performance, immerse yourself in the crowd. If you’re at a wedding, try to capture the moments people share.

You won’t even have to try hard. The moments you’re looking for will come to you.

Pro-Tip #4: Photograph children

Child Using Playtoy Camera

Young kids are always a joy to photograph. Not only do they make for cute subjects, but they also will not care about the camera pointed at their faces. Some of them will even oblige with a variety of poses at one time.

Unlike some adults who can get overly conscious about being photographed, children will give you the rawest, most natural reactions. They are the best subjects to practice on if you want to take your candid photography game a lot further.

Pro-Tip #5: Shoot your subjects from a faraway distance

Man Walking His Dog

As mentioned, some people aren’t too keen on having a camera in front of their faces. So another way to take a candid photo of them is by shooting from a faraway distance.

There may be some minor drawbacks to this method. There could be a lot of distractions surrounding your subject, but that’s nothing that your zoom lens can’t remedy.

Be sure to read up on other articles found in our blogsite! We’ve highlighted one of our articles titled “Reducing the Glare on your Photos. Be sure to check it out!

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