Expert Tips on Posing for Portraits


Unless you’ve done professional modeling, posing for photos is not exactly your strongest suit. But this doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to photograph well, especially when posing for portraits. In this article, we share expert tips on posing for portraits.

With that said, we’ve collated some tips from experts on how to pose for photographs as if you’ve been doing it for the rest of your life already. You may not have been on the cover of Vogue or Esquire (just yet), but you will be more proud of your photos next time around.

So read on through this short article, which may very well be a helpful one for your next Instagram photo shoot.

It’s all about the angles

Just like how it is with landscape photography, angles are heavily considered when taking portraits. And you’ve probably noticed many people pose using this particular side of their face or body in most of their photos.

Expert Tips on Posing for Portraits

Finding your best angles is vital in posing for portraits, as pointed out by Louis Vuitton model Shannon Thaler. For women, in particular, she says that the best angle is from below eye-level with the camera pointing slightly upward. Doing so makes them look taller, as it accents the long lines like the legs.

Thaler also prefers portraits shot from above to give more definition to facial angles and provide a unique perspective. Ultimately, she says it is all about practice and finding that “sweet spot.”

Natural light is your best friend

Lighting is another crucial factor in photography, and that goes without saying. Not just any kind of light, however. In this particular case, natural lighting is your best friend, especially when taking photos of yourself.


Abercrombie image model Isabella Carr advises portrait subjects to turn their faces towards where the natural sunlight is. Not only can it help brighten the face on the actual photo, but it can also mask any existing blemishes that may be hiding underneath plain sight.

When it comes to finding natural light, going outdoors is still the better way to go. The next best thing would be to situate yourself next to a window, where the sun’s rays are going through.

Posture up

Slouching or keeping a lousy posture is already a big no-no for fashion models, and for a good reason. Primarily, it is because it exudes a demeanor of feebleness, which is not exactly a strong message to send.

Carr points out how “insecure and frumpy” the subject may turn out to be on the photograph. It can also cause some unflattering angles, especially for women in crop tops during the shoot.


Exuding an air of confidence goes a long way in photographs, and it is most seen with the posture.

Looking good in photographs does not necessarily require a supermodel face and body. With the right angles, lighting, and the photographer’s skill set, you can look as good as these picturesque faces that grace magazine covers, billboards, and ads.

Expert Tips on Posing for Portraits

So keep these expert tips in mind during your next Instagram photo shoot, and enjoy the desirable results. If you have any other expert tips on posing for portraits, share them down below.

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