Make your Instagram Photos Stand Out

Person Taking Photos Of Food

These days, everyone with a smartphone likely has an Instagram account. And everyone on this platform would want to be noticed through the photos they take, whether it’s of themselves, the places they visited, or what they had for lunch. “All for the ‘gram” as kids these days put it. In this article, we share on how to make your Instagram photos stand out,

If you’ve been on this platform long enough, you’ll see which posts gain the most traction and “likes,” and which ones do not. So in this edition of Photography Hacks 101, we’ll give you some tips on how to make your Instagram posts stand out, photos in particular.

So read on, and hopefully, after doing so, you’ll be on your way to becoming the next big Instagram influencer.

Be Familiar with the Basics

A Person Taking Photo Of The Stage Performance

Because people these days have become photographers in their own right, everyone is now familiar with the most basic concepts of photography. One of them is the rule of thirds, which ensures the balance of the subject to its background. Many cameras today have a gridlines feature, making this rule easier to follow.

Another would be to avoid too much negative space. Having too much unnecessary space t tends to deviate the viewer from the subject, which takes away from their experience.

Also part of the basics is to use different perspectives in your shots. It adds variety to your photos, which creates more interest, overall.

Use natural lighting

A Close Up Photo Of A Burger

Knowing how to use light to your advantage is key to taking a good photograph, and natural lighting is always the best way to go. It captures the image in the best state, without the use of artificial light or the flash of your camera.

The best way to do this is to take photos outdoors, where the sun is ideally situated. If you can’t place your subject next to a window, where the sun’s rays are shining through.

Avoid using the flash at all costs, as it can wash out your subject and compromise the quality of your photo.

Pick the perfect time of day

Make your Instagram photos stand out

In connection with finding natural light, there is a perfect time of day to do so. Many photographers go after the golden hour, the time when the sun is low on the horizon, just about to set. This can be between four to five in the afternoon, depending on which part of the world you live in.

But if you plan to take photos in the middle of the day past the morning time, it would be best to do so under a cloudy sky. Shooting under too much sun can also be too bright to appreciate.

If you find the perfect brightness under a layer of clouds, you’ll get a photograph that is soft and gentle on the eyes.

Be creative

Make your Instagram photos stand out

This final tip may be a bit vague, but there is more to it. For one, exploit any particular patterns you may find within your subject. It can be lines, squares, or shapes that would catch a viewer’s attention.

Another way would be to find any vibrant colors around the subject. This may be the color of the sky around a building or the color of someone’s shirt next to a neon sign. Mix and match these colors like how you would with the clothes you wear, and you’ll find some magic combination in there.

Photography is most fun when you just let those creative juices flow. So don’t hesitate and shoot away. If you have any other tips on how to make your Instagram photos stand out, write them down below.

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