
Photography Challenges to Stimulate Creativity

For aspiring photographers, going through formal learning is an automatic option to improve the craft. But those who really get good at the art are those who put it to practice at all times, even when there’s nothing or no […]


DSLR vs Mirrorless Cameras: A Head-to-Head Breakdown

Professional photographers and hobbyists alike share a common dilemma in terms of camera choice these days. Most of them struggle with an internal debate on whether to go for the classic DLSR or follow the path to mirrorless cameras. In […]

Photography Tips

5 Sure-Fire Ways to Get Good at Photography

I will go out on a limb and say that many of us who own smartphones aspire to be an Ansel Adams in our own right. After all, who doesn’t want to know the secret behind taking those Instagram-worthy shots? […]

Photography Tips

Expert Tips on Posing for Portraits

Unless you’ve done professional modeling, posing for photos is not exactly your strongest suit. But this doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to photograph well, especially when posing for portraits. In this article, we share expert tips on posing […]


Photography Etiquette: Everything You Need to Know

Like with many things in life, etiquette applies with photography, as well. And quite frankly, photography etiquette is something that is not usually discussed when it comes to this art. In this article, we share about everything you need to […]


Beginner’s Guide to Mirrorless Cameras

If you’re one of those who intend to take photography a little seriously but is daunted by using a DSLR, you can also go the mirrorless camera route. In a nutshell, the latter does not use a viewfinder and instead […]

Photography Tips

Phone Photography Basics: Make your shots stand out

The dawn of new technology phone photography has allowed us all to become photographers in our own right. It’s been thoroughly simple to capture any subject that catches our eye anytime, anywhere, using a little handheld device that could fit […]