Posing Women Who Aren’t Models Guide


We’ve previously discussed the challenges of posing men who aren’t models and how to overcome them. As noted, it’s all about putting the focus on their best traits, while keeping them at ease to bring out a more natural image. This article talks about posing women who aren’t models.

The same concept applies to pose women who aren’t models, but there is a slightly different approach. When it comes to the ladies, it is more about looking lean and fit to bring out their sexy, alluring side.

Just like in our earlier article, this one will provide some tips on how to pose women who have no experience in modeling. These simple guidelines come from veteran photographers themselves who’ve achieved their fair share of success.

Make them look taller


If you’ve watched enough fashion shows, you’ve likely noticed how women are made to appear taller. The idea is to accent their slender figure and the fit of the dress they are wearing.

A similar approach is made to women who aren’t Victoria’s Secret models. Veteran photographers do this by having them push their waist out and show their curves. And if the subject isn’t wearing high heels, they’re made to tip their toes a bit to create that illusion.

Photographers usually make use of a wider lens and shoot at a low angle to accentuate this effect. This works best for women with shorter legs.

Separate the limbs from the body

Brunette Woman Stretching Wearing White Tank Top And Grey Jacket

The last thing you’d want from a model is for them to look awkward and stiff in photos. A good tip from veteran photographers is to separate the arms from the body when posing.

Psychology even states that people with their arms open are more approachable compared to those who do otherwise. Those who keep their arms close to their bodies tend to give off a more uneasy and apprehensive vibe, which can turn some people away.

Women are also conscious about body image, and pressing the arms into the body too much can make them look bigger. Move those arms around to add some sexy points.

Keep a strong core

Blonde Woman Wearing Red

There would be instances when women are required to take half-body photos of themselves. For this particular purpose, experts advise keeping a strong core while posing. Think of it as if you’re at a Pilates class doing an exercise.

The same rule of thumb for posture applies here: belly in, chest, and butt out. Similar to the previous tips in the article, doing so will make the subject appear leaner and sexier.

Just remember not to have them be too stiff, as it will defeat the entire purpose of making them more comfortable. The main priority is to have them be at ease and act more naturally.

Make use of accessories

Brunette Woman Wearing Scarf And Pink Jacket

For female models, in particular, accessories can make a big difference in terms of how the final photo will turn out. A hat or scarf, for example, can be held different ways to make them look sultrier, with just the right amount of provocativeness.

In the absence of accessories, photographers make their subjects play with their hair a bit, again to add to the sexiness of the photo.

Do you have other ideas for posing women who aren’t models, feel free to share them down below.

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