Shooting Better Pet Portraits – Photography 101

Shooting better pet portraits

I’d consider taking pet portraits akin to baby photos. If you do it right, your subjects will look as cute as a button, which will automatically attract the eyeballs of those who love all things adorable. In this article, we share creative ways of shooting better pet portraits.

Taking a portrait of your pet is pretty straightforward. If your Labrador is cute enough, you won’t even have to try. But you can still boost your pet photography game by trying these simple tricks.

Read on through this edition of Photography Hacks 101 and maybe use some of these tidbits yourself.

Pair them with other pets

A Cat And Dog Sitting Next To Each Other

Just like humans, domesticated animals are better with a companion. Especially if they are with a fellow pet whom they get to be with frequently, things can get more interesting.

Try to arrange a play date with one of your pet’s best pals and see how their dynamic flows. You’ll be surprised at how endearing they’ll be, making for photos that would make you go “aww.”

The great thing about it is that you’ll need minimal art direction when you do this. Just have them act naturally and shoot away.

Make a collage with their photos

A Photo Collage Of Dogs

If one pet photo can already elicit a strong reaction, a bunch of them can double that. So why not try and make a collage out of your pet photo collection?

Just like how you would arrange a photo album of your and your loved ones, you can also create a themed collage for your pets. Similarly, you’ll be able to tell a story of their daily life and unique moments.

Go nuts and be more creative with this photo collage. Treat it as if you’re making one for yourself.

Make it like a professional photoshoot

Shooting better pet portraits

Who says a full-blown photoshoot is limited to human subjects? Similarly, your pets also deserve the same professional treatment with the lighting and elaborate camera setup.

We’re not saying you rent a studio with an expensive light setup for this one. The natural light of your house will do perfectly fine, with the help of some of your lenses.

But if you wish, go all out with your background. You can even add some curtain shadows and other customizations to make the photo look more professionally-shot.

You can also read the article titled “Pet Photoshoot Tips” by The Kong Company. This article shares different tips to do a photoshoot with animals which would definitely help you out on the process.

Dress them like humans (or yourself)

A Black Dog With A Big Smile Wearing A Red Scarf

Nothing is more eye-catching than a pet clad in a t-shirt or a mini football jersey. Some even go as far as having their pets wear a pair of sunglasses to add more flair.

Give your pets more personality by dressing them up. If you want, you can have them dress like how you do and bring out your personality through them. Have your pets be your “mini-me” and take a photo with them to add to the scrapbook.

When taking pet photos

Remember to not skimp on the level of creativity. You can go for the candid approach, but if you help them with their posing game, your photos will look much more charming.

Hopefully, these tips are helpful enough for your next pet photoshoot. If you have ways of shooting better pet portraits, feel free to share them down below.

Be sure to read up on other articles found in our blogsite! We’ve highlighted one of our articles titled “Expert Tips on Posing for Portraits. Be sure to check it out!

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