Simple Tricks to Improve Your Landscape Photography

Man And Woman Taking A Photo Of London

Many people tend to oversimplify landscape photography. Inexperienced photographers, in particular, are content with just taking a snap of the current view and putting very little to no effort in them. In this article, we share simple tricks to improve your landscape photography game.

In reality, landscape photography takes a lot of effort and correct strategies. The great thing about it is that this skill can definitely be learned, honed, and eventually mastered.

This article aims to give you readers a few tips on how to improve your landscape photography skills, all necessary tactics considered. So read on through and perhaps pick up some valuable guidelines you can add to your repertoire.

Careful location planning

I cannot stress the “careful” part well enough here. Being thoroughly familiar with the environment you’ll be shooting puts you at a great advantage, especially in terms of preparation.

Simple Tricks to Improve Your Landscape Photography

By knowing the terrain and weather conditions you’ll be working with, you’ll also have ample time to set-up and organize the equipment to bring. It should also help make your packing a lot easier, as you’ll only have your bare essentials with you.

Polarizing filters are the way to go

A good number of landscape photographers already practice this strategy, and you should do the same. Many of them used primarily to reduce the glare in their photos, as well as for color enhancement.

Beautiful Photo Of A Village In An Island

But what’s great about using a polarizing filter is you can accent specific colors and hues, such as the green grass or the blue skies and ocean water. It is an excellent addition to your landscape photography efforts, especially when shooting amongst the elements of nature.

Use varying points of view

As a landscape photographer, points of view are crucial. Just changing up the angles a little bit can already make a massive difference in the overall looking and feel of the final photograph.

A Majestic Bull With Big Horns

Using varying points of view when taking shots adds more diversity to your images. Try kneeling the next time, or climbing up to an elevated surface. It can also help turn the entire experience into a more creative and less dull venture.

Keep the rule of thirds in mind

One of the basic photography tenets taught to both beginner and experienced shutterbugs is the rule of thirds. You splice up the entire photo into thirds both horizontally and vertically to find the right balance.

Simple Tricks to Improve Your Landscape Photography

Feel free to challenge yourself by making use of the viewfinder alone. However, many cameras of today already have a grid you can refer to as a guideline, which ultimately makes your life a lot easier.

The golden hour is the best time to shoot

Many seasoned photographers pick that sweet spot moment right before sunrise or sunset when the light is just about to break. It is called the Golden Hour or the Magic Hour, because of the unique glow of the sky during this time.

Sunset On The Highway

Shooting around this hour will give you the most dramatic and scenic effects you’d want, even without the use of any filters. Once you find that perfect moment, you are guaranteed to render stunning landscape photographs for you to frame or post online.

Please share your thoughts and ideas of our guide. Should you have any other simple tricks to improve landscape photography game, share them down below.

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