Succeed in the 365 Photo Challenge Through These Tips


If you’re a photography enthusiast, you’ve likely been invited to partake in the 365 photo challenge. Through the 365 days in a year, you’re dared to take at least one unique picture per day. In this article, we share on how to succeed in the 365 photo challenge

Now, that can be a daunting task to fulfill. There are days when you don’t have any ideas when the mind is blank, and the creative juices aren’t flowing but it is possible to succeed in the 365 photo challenge.

Writers have various ways to combat writers’ block. But in this article, we’ll be giving you some ideas to help you achieve success in the 365 photo challenge. You can even add some of these concepts to your arsenal of techniques and diversify your overall style.

Play with compositions

Abstract Photography

As a photographer, the basic concepts of composition are taught during the onset. You’re likely familiar with the Rule of Thirds, Juxtaposition and leading lines, guidelines to follow before taking a snap.

But at the same time, photography is all about creativity, and creativity is about bending some rules. Feel free to go beyond some of these boundaries to and render an exceptional snapshot.

Otherwise, if you’re adamant on following rules, run with each concept of composition each day you take photos.

Here is an article titled “Photography Composition: The Best Guide” by Stefano Caioni. This article talks about more on composition and would serve as a guide to try.

Use the same location each day

Woman Posing Infront Of The City

The late, great, Anthony Bourdain is deemed as one of the greatest storytellers of all-time. In his many travels, he is known to revisit a particular place, but tell a different story about it.

You can apply the same technique to your 365 photo challenge. Drop by your favorite corner of the street each day and find a unique angle to it. You’ll be surprised at how much you’ll find, and how different one is from another as each day passes.

But do feel free to change things up a bit by going from area to area to find new subjects to shoot.

Keep your camera with you at all times


The great thing about getting good at photography is that it is almost effortless to do. By having your camera with you at all times, you’ll be able to shoot away and develop that eye for picturesque subjects immediately.

If you have a lesser-sophisticated camera with you, fret not. The idea here is to take great photos using your perspective and imagination, and not much of the gear you have with you.

Just don’t be a paparazzo to snap photos of people randomly. Keep the necessary boundaries and respect other people’s privacy.

Don’t be a perfectionist

Man Taking A Photo Lying Down

Even the best athletes in the world have their “off-night.” Sometimes, even the likes of Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods endure moments when they don’t perform at par to what’s expected of them.

Similarly, not every day of your 365 photo challenge will be a good one. There will be days when you won’t be happy with the images you took, and you’ll have to ride that wave.

Just remember that every bad day is bound to be followed by a great one. Just be patient, and it will come to you, eventually.

Get out of your comfort zone

Man Taking A Photo On The Roof

A challenge won’t be one if you stick to what’s comfortable to you. The idea is to find something new to photograph, and that can only be done by stepping out of your comfort zone.

Perhaps you can explore other genres of photography. Maybe look at different angles to use. Whatever it may be, the act of doing something new each day will inevitably help you evolve further in your craft.

Be sure to read up on other articles found in our blogsite! We’ve highlighted one of our articles titled “Beginner’s Guide to Mirrorless Camera. Be sure to check it out!

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